Welcome to The Week in Generative AI, a weekly column for marketers from Quad Insights that quickly sums up need-to-know developments surrounding this rapidly evolving technology.

Biden administration prepares AI regulations

On Monday, the White House issued an executive order on AI use, development and regulation, which had been long-coming since the summer parade of tech executives visiting Washington to make the case for AI.

Politico’s Brendan Bordelon reports that “the 111-page laundry list of priorities has drawn immediate support from both the tech industry and its critics,” and he comments that “the vast scale of the order also suggests an effort by the White House to paper over the growing tension between Washington’s rival AI factions.” The move, Bordelon says, attempts to bridge the gaps between three groups influencing AI policy: progressives concerned about job security and civil rights, what Bordelon calls “longtermists” (those who fear the eventual, catastrophic misuse of AI) and “AI hawks” focused on national security and geopolitical dominance.

The order outlines specific AI challenges for federal agencies to address, such as potential job losses and data-privacy issues.

Over at Crunchbase News, Joanna Glasner writes that this action could have “a wide impact on how AI-focused companies, and startups in particular, develop and release new iterations of their products.”

Related news:

Doritos launches AI-augmented snacking experience for gamers

Doritos U.K. has unveiled Doritos Silent, software designed to mute the distinctive crunch of Doritos chips for the PC gaming community. Ad Age’s Erika Wheless reports that the “rollout for ‘Doritos Silent’ was teased with social media and out-of-home ads that featured Doritos chips in place of noise-canceling headphones in the U.K., U.S., Spain, Poland, Brazil and Portugal.” She adds that the initiative is not only a nod to the 46% of U.K. gamers who find munching sounds distracting (per a Doritos-commissioned survey), but also a strategic play, because “to get the download, fans will have to enter their name and email, potentially providing the PepsiCo-owned brand with a trove of first-party data from gamers.”

Further reading

Thanks for reading. We’ll see you next week.

If you’d like to catch up on prior installments of this column, start by heading to last week’s recap: “The Week in Generative AI: October 27, 2023”