What we do

Quad helps brands make trusted consumer connections across household, in-store and online with MX solutions tailored to your needs

We’ve always been in the business of helping our clients reach real people. And using intelligence and advanced technology to do it.

Quad has over 3B household data points, giving you strategic insights that you can use to make smarter decisions across multiple channels. Our advanced in-home media solutions, retail display and packaging solutions, and omnichannel media solutions help you build better marketing that’s more efficient, effective, and scalable in the places that mean the most.

250MM consumers, 92% U.S. households (Statista HH 2023 excluding PO Box), and 3 billion household data points (Continuously re-validated over the past 18 months) through household addressable print & postal solutions, in-store retail display & packaging solutions, and online omnichannel media solutions.

*Statista HH 2023 excluding PO Box **Continuously re-validated over the past 18 months

Meet our MX solutions suite

From offline to online, across creative, production and media, fueled by intelligence and tech, our MX solutions suite of products and services is flexible and tailored to your unique needs.

MX: Intelligence

MX: Creative

MX: Production